

News 06 Oct 2023
Training on leadership conducted for ASOIU students

On October 6, the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted a training on the topic of "Leadership in the Modern Business Environment" organized by Turan Drilling and Engineering company.
Deputy CEO of Turan Drilling and Engineering, Tomislav Klenkar, the Training and Development Team Leader, Yana Rassolko, and the Training and Development Administrator, Leyla Gojayeva, as well as employees of ASOIU and students, participated in the training. During the seminar, Tomislav Klenkar discussed the concept of leadership in the modern business environment, the six leadership styles, and their systematic classification. Additionally, the discussion covered the international experience in studying and applying leadership attributes in managing human resources within a business context.
During the interactive training, questions from the students were answered, addressing the topics that piqued their interest.
