

News 09 Oct 2023
Meetings held with first-year students at AzII e-Book House

Meetings were held with first-year students studying Geological Exploration (GE), Oil and Gas Production (OGM), Oil Mechanical Engineering (OME), Chemical Technology (CT), Power Engineering (PE), Information Technologies and Control (ITC), and Economics and Management (EM) faculties and BA programs at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) at AzII e-Book House.

During the meetings, students received detailed information about the electronic system and access details of AzII e-Book House, its rich and unique database, printing materials, and guidelines for using electronic books. Furthermore, students were informed about the electronic catalog of the library, electronic registration of readers, electronic ordering of books, reserving places in reading rooms, as well as the entry options and available electronic databases.

In the end, students' questions were answered by the library staff.
