

News 16 Oct 2023
ASOIU hosts Civil Defense organization and gathering training

On October 16, a warning and gathering training titled "Organization of Civil Defense (CD) Forces during preparation for emergency events and the elimination of their consequences" took place at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The training aimed to assess the status of ASOIU's CD plan for peaceful and alert times concerning faculties, departments, and CD forces, as well as other structural units, and to evaluate the preparedness of the management and alert system.

During the exercise held in the courtyard of ASOIU's main building, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, briefed the participants on the role and responsibilities of CD forces in extraordinary situations, emphasizing the necessity of training and exercises to enhance preparedness. Elshan Mammadov, Head of the CD Headquarters, informed the participants about the conduction of the "Alert and Gathering" training following the instructions outlined in ASOIU's annual plan for CD activities. He stressed the importance of active participation by everyone in these trainings and underscored the need to adhere to safety rules during the exercises.

The conducted alert and gathering training revealed that ASOIU's CD forces are partially prepared for emergencies based on the results.
