

News 17 Oct 2023
ASOIU and AREA sign Memorandum of Cooperation

On October 17, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency (AREA) under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The signing ceremony was attended by Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, Acting Rector of ASOIU, Javid Abdullayev, Director of the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency (AREA), and the accompanying delegation, as well as the university's vice-rectors and academic staff.

Opening the event with welcoming remarks, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov emphasized the significance of collaboration with AREA not only for the university but also for the country. He emphasized that training highly qualified personnel for the creation and improvement of renewable energy sources in the liberated territories, conducted in a number of areas and prioritized for high development by the Azerbaijani state, is a priority task for the university.

Javid Abdullayev, the Director of AREA, spoke about the Agency's activities, including works and projects related to the use of renewable and green energy in the country. Mentioning the implementation of construction and development activities in the liberated territories alongside the utilization of renewable energy sources, Javid Abdullayev expressed his satisfaction with the collaboration with ASOIU. He noted that the collaboration would contribute to the development of scientific research areas, as well as the conduct of scientific-theoretical and practical research, preparation of educational-methodical manuals, and enhancement of the education process.

In the end, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the parties.
