

News 17 Oct 2023
Presentation of “Food Chemistry” book at AzII e-Book House

On October 17, the presentation of the book "Food Chemistry" took place at the AzII e-Book House of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The presentation ceremony was attended by Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, Acting Rector of ASOIU, vice-rectors, the dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, the faculty's professorial staff, as well as the authors - Academician Vagif Abbasov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, general director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Y. H.Mamedaliyev; Professor Fariz Amirli, Head of the Organic Substances and Technology of High-Molecular Compounds Department at the Faculty of Chemical Technology; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zaur Agamaliyev, the Laboratory Director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes, and a teacher at the Department of Organic Substances and Technology of High-Molecular Compounds at ASOIU; Zulfiyya Abbasova, a doctor, surgeon, Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences; and Narmin Guliyeva, Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Director of the Education Department at the Institute of Radiation Problems of the Republic of Azerbaijan, along with students, participated.

During the presentation moderated by Salakhat Mahmudova, the director of AzII e-Book House, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov expressed his gratitude to the authors and highly valued the book "Food Chemistry," one of the first national textbooks written for training in the field of food engineering.

Subsequently, the authors of the book and participants shared their thoughts and impressions about the book.

It's worth noting that the book "Food Chemistry" is the publication of the year 2023. The textbook is published to assist in the teaching of the subject "Food Safety" for bachelor's and master's students majoring in food engineering and to acquire practical knowledge. Additionally, it can be used by professionals working in food production facilities and scientific research laboratories.
