

News 17 Oct 2023
Meeting between representatives of "One Volunteer" Students' Cooperation Public Union and ASOIU students

On October 17, a meeting took place between representatives of the "One Volunteer" Students' Cooperation Public Union and students of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Addressing the attendees in the University's Events Hall, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs at ASOIU, extended a warm welcome on behalf of the university administration. He discussed the focus and care dedicated to youth for shaping an educated and resilient future, highlighting the pivotal role of the youth as the driving strength in our society. Ata Babayev emphasized that the youth has consistently been the driving force of our society, and it was the courage and patriotism of these brave individuals that, under the guidance of President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, led to the liberation of Azerbaijan's ancient lands from the enemy's occupation during the 44-day Patriotic War, resulting in a historic victory.

Ata Babayev expressed hope for a fruitful collaboration between ASOIU students and the "One Volunteer" Students' Cooperation Public Union, extending his best wishes for their endeavors.

Leyla Zeynalova, the Chairperson of the "One Volunteer" Students' Cooperation Public Union, conveyed appreciation to the university administration for creating conducive conditions.

She provided comprehensive information to the students regarding the organization's activities, underscoring that the purpose of the meeting is to establish rapport with students, encourage their involvement in volunteer projects, and efficiently organize the leisure time of young people and other crucial matters of this nature.

The interactive meeting continued with question-answer session involving both the students and guests.
