

News 20 Oct 2023
Presentation of a film honoring the Martyr Graduate of ASOIU

On October 19, the presentation of the documentary film "The Martyr in My Dream," dedicated to the martyr and graduate of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Javid Huseynov, took place at the Nizami Cinema Center.

The event was attended by government and public representatives, members of the Milli Majlis, martyr families, veterans, businessmen, teachers, and students.

The event began with the National Anthem of Azerbaijan, followed by a moment of silence to honor the memory of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Speakers at the event, including Joshgun Jabrayilov, the Head of the Nizami District Executive Authority; Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, Acting Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and a member of the NAP Board; and Associate Professor Irada Khalilova, the Rector of Khazar University, highlighted the honorable path of Azerbaijan's Armed Forces during the 44-day Patriotic War and the valor of our soldiers and officers.

The speakers underlined the global celebration within the Azerbaijani community when President and Victorious Supreme Commander Ilham Aliyev hoisted the Azerbaijani flag in the territories of Khankendi, Khojaly, and Khojavend on October 15.

The timing of the presentation of the documentary film, coinciding with the third anniversary of the Patriotic War, was highly appreciated by the speakers. They conveyed that in remembering Javid Hasanov, they were also paying tribute to the memory of all martyrs and emphasized the significance of ensuring that the honorable lives and heroic journeys of these valiant sons are transmitted to future generations.

Mirvari Huseynova, the mother of the martyr Javid Huseynov, expressed her immense pride in being a mother of a martyr and her strong belief that all martyrs, including Javid, will eternally live in the hearts and chronicles of our nation.

Gunay Agazada, the organizer of the event, the chairman of the "We Are One Family" Public Union for the Support of People with Disabilities, provided information about the film to the participants.

Following the speeches, the documentary film "The Martyr in My Dream" was screened.
