

News 23 Oct 2023
The event titled "Honoring the Past, Believing in the Future: Contemporary Azerbaijani Youth Embracing the Legacy of Heydar Aliyev" was held

The event took place within the framework of the "Heydar Aliyev Year," organized jointly by the Central Apparatus of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) and the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

On October 21, a collaborative event commemorating the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, themed "Honoring the Past, Believing in the Future: Contemporary Azerbaijani Youth Embracing the Legacy of Heydar Aliyev," was jointly organized by the Central Apparatus of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) and the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) at the Heydar Aliyev Center.

Initially, the event participants visited the Alley of Honors to pay tribute to Heydar Aliyev, the National Leader, architect, and founder of the modern independent Azerbaijani state and laid a wreath at his grave.

The prominent ophthalmologist, Academician Zarifa Aliyeva's dear memory was also commemorated, and flowers were laid at her grave.

The National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played during the event. Then, there was a minute of silence in memory of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

During his opening speech at the event, Tahir Budaqov, Deputy Chairman of the NAP and Head of the Central Apparatus, highlighted that Azerbaijan, currently experiencing the most glorious and honorable period in the history of statehood, is achieving remarkable successes and enhancing its power by shaping new realities: "Heydar Aliyev's policies were instrumental in transforming Azerbaijan, which had created the first democratic republic in the East and restored its independence 32 years ago, into a regional leader and a successful nation among influential global states. Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, whose contribution to saving Azerbaijan in the difficult conditions of the 1990s when there was a threat to independence with his effective leadership and the unwavering support of the people, we commemorate it with deep respect and profound gratitude. Heydar Aliyev, born a century ago, set the course for the future development of our republic with his purposeful and far-sighted policy."

The Deputy Chairman of the NAP emphasized that one of the exceptional services of the Great Leader carried out in the name of Azerbaijan's bright future, is the implementation of a youth policy that aligns with historical traditions, national and moral values, state interests, and the demands of the times: "Heydar Aliyev, both during the Soviet era and in the period of independence, paid special attention to the nurturing of an intellectual, patriotic youth faithful to national and moral values, and aligned with the interests of the state and the demands of the time, referring to them as the present, the future, and the hope of Azerbaijan. For the purpose of realizing a unified state policy in the field of youth employment, Heydar Aliyev's decree on July 26, 1994, led to the establishment of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Based on the decree signed by the National Leader on February 2, 1997, February 2 was declared as Azerbaijan Youth Day, along with other initiatives. These steps serve as a clear example of the wise state leader's profound importance and dedication to youth development. Additionally, Heydar Aliyev's decree on July 29, 1999, regarding the "State Youth Policy," held significant importance for expanding opportunities for active youth participation in the republic's socio-political life. In essence, the National Leader laid the strong foundation of contemporary, powerful, and successful Azerbaijan by making critical decisions and signing essential decrees in the field of youth policy."

The head of the Central Apparatus of the NAP noted that President Ilham Aliyev, who has successfully continued Heydar Aliyev's policies, has significantly contributed to the historical achievements of Azerbaijan in the past 20 years. During this time, he has played a crucial role in enhancing the country's economic potential, military-strategic capabilities, and international influence, while ensuring territorial integrity and sovereignty. President Ilham Aliyev, the Victorious Supreme Commander, and the Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party, has always emphasized the importance of shaping a thoughtful, intellectual, spiritually rich, and firmly principled Azerbaijani youth within his political course: "In recent years, the head of state has taken significant steps to improve youth policy, strengthen its legal framework, and foster the overall development of Azerbaijani youth. Based on the relevant decrees of President Ilham Aliyev, 2007 was declared the "Year of Youth," leading to a series of special events and activities aimed at youth development. In 2011, the Youth Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established, and in 2013, the "President's Award for Youth" was instituted. Various state programs have boosted youth engagement in society and on the international stage, motivating them to excel in different fields and achieve new successes. One of the most crucial aspects in this context is the high trust placed in youth through personnel reforms, elevating them to responsible positions, fostering favorable conditions for them to demonstrate their talents and abilities. This, in addition to improving governance in line with current demands, is of great significance for sustainable development and has contributed to the formation of a competent young generation that meets modern challenges."
Tahir Budagov emphasized that the projects and work undertaken under the initiative and leadership of Mehriban Aliyeva, the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, and the First Deputy Chairman of the NAP, serve to shape a physically and morally strong youth: "The New Azerbaijan Party, which has become a party of victories and enjoys nationwide support as the political legacy of the National Leader, also places special emphasis on effectively harnessing the potential of young people in its activities. It's no coincidence that the majority of those newly joining the ranks of the YAP today are young people, and this is a testament to the deep faith and unwavering support of Azerbaijani youth in Heydar Aliyev's ideals and President Ilham Aliyev's policies. Today, Azerbaijani youth, who pledge their allegiance to the state, the Motherland, and the people with unwavering commitment, come together around the President, Victorious Commander-in-Chief, and Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, to contribute significantly to the development of our country, effectively represent our republic on the international stage, and, most importantly, the proud, honourable, and patriotic Azerbaijani youth have written history with their immense sacrifices and heroism in the liberation of our lands from occupation. The youth who grew up under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev played an incomparable role in the glorious Victory, ensuring historical justice, the territorial integrity, and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This reality is a source of pride for our nation and a testament to the strength of our state. Without a doubt, Azerbaijani youth, nurtured with the utmost attention and care of the state, will continue to make significant contributions to the progress of an independent Azerbaijan, confidently advancing on the path to Victory based on the rich legacy of statesmanship left by the Great Leader. They will uphold the trust and confidence placed in them!"

In conclusion, the head of the New Azerbaijan Party Central Apparatus expressed his hopes for the youth, wishing for ever-increasing achievements day by day in our native Azerbaijan, as it continues to thrive and shine with the principles of Heydar Aliyev, paving the way for a more brilliant future.

Following his address, a member of the New Azerbaijan Party Board and the Acting Rector of ASOIU, Vazeh Asgarov, highlighted that the tradition of sending Azerbaijani youth abroad for education, whether during the Soviet era or after Azerbaijan gained independence in 1991, was originally established by the foundation set by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev. He emphasized that President Ilham Aliyev has successfully continued this tradition, serving as a respected successor to the ideas of the Great Leader: "National Leader Heydar Aliyev held education in special regard within his statesmanship activities. Heydar Aliyev, the great son of Azerbaijan and the architect and founder of the independent Azerbaijani state, was elected as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan in 1969. This marked a turning point for our country, and right from the early days, comprehensive reforms were initiated in all fields, laying the foundation for the development strategy of our republic. In a short period, Azerbaijan rapidly rose to the top among the former Soviet republics in terms of the growth of industrial production, which significantly expanded our country's influence not only within Azerbaijan but also across the entire USSR."

According to his words, between 1970 and 1982, five new higher education institutions were established in Azerbaijan, including new specializations, departments, and laboratories. He stated, "Thus, while in the 1960s there were 12 higher education institutions in the republic, by 1982, the number of higher education institutions in Azerbaijan had increased, and the number of students reached from 70,000 to 100,000. Starting from 1970, every year, 800-900 Azerbaijani youth were sent to study at prestigious higher education institutions within the USSR. The most significant change was that, unlike previous years when the national composition of Azerbaijani students studying abroad was only 40%, the national composition of students studying abroad in foreign universities became overwhelmingly Azerbaijani, reaching 97.7%."

Vazeh Asgarov emphasized that the educational policy of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev is successfully continued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, and the First Vice-President, Mehriban Aliyeva. He stated, "President Ilham Aliyev has achieved all the strategic goals he set over the past 20 years. The head of state always emphasizes that 'the future of the state and the people depends on intellectual development, and the capital invested in knowledge serves the nation's future.' The conversion of revenue from the oil strategy into human capital serves the successful implementation of socio-economic reforms. The President points out that the reasons for success are not oil and gas reserves but rather knowledge, intellect, and nutrition. He emphasizes that the synthesis of natural resources and human capital will transform Azerbaijan into a progressive and modern country. The President underscores that the funds allocated for education provide a substantial foundation for the comprehensive development of the country, ensuring the sustainability and continuous progress of the economy. He highlights that the modernity and efficiency of the education system are essential prerequisites for the successful realization of a strong socio-economic development strategy."

NAP Board member stated: "Saying that "the Azerbaijani people and the state will never tolerate the occupation," President Ilham Aliyev's resolute struggle against the occupiers, with the support of the people, has yielded concrete results on all fronts. During the Second Karabakh War, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces restoring the territorial integrity of our country was etched into the history of Azerbaijan in golden letters, forever engraving this victory in history. By ensuring the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, historical justice was upheld, and the pride and national dignity of the people were restored. As President Ilham Aliyev stated, "No one and nothing can ever stop us," and our country will continue to develop and achieve new successes in the future."

Vazeh Asgarov also mentioned that within the National Leader's 100th anniversary, the Central Apparatus of the NAP and the Organizing Committee of ASOIU organized the "Heydar Aliyev - 100: Engineering Hackathon" intellectual competition among students. He provided information that the event, which took place on October 14-15, aimed to discover the potential of young people in Azerbaijan, particularly those studying engineering and computer science, improve team leadership skills, and increase their participation in the innovation ecosystem: "The competition, which lasted for two days, featured the participation of 30 teams composed of students from 21 institutions of higher education specializing in computer science and engineering."

The Minister of Science and Education, Emin Amrullayev, later stated that the exceptional services of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev played a significant role in achieving today's level of development in independent Azerbaijan and securing a worthy place on the world stage: "This brilliant personality has ensured the progress of the economy, science, education, and culture in our country and laid a strong foundation for future development. The National Leader has always shown attention and care for the youth, making historic decisions for the development of youth policy."

The Minister highlighted that the youth policy established by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev continues to be successfully implemented by President Ilham Aliyev. He noted that numerous programs and projects have been carried out in our country for the development of youth policy and education, and new strategies and concepts have been adopted. Significant steps have been taken to identify and support talented and creative youth.

Emin Amrullayev emphasized that youth engagement, entrepreneurship, participation in large-scale projects, and leadership in various aspects of life have increased. The spirit of patriotism and citizenship has been strengthened, and voluntary movements have expanded. The successful implementation of state programs, the establishment of the Youth Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan, and the tradition of youth education abroad initiated by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev have significantly contributed to the comprehensive development of Azerbaijani youth. In particular, the State Program for Azerbaijani Youth's Education Abroad from 2007 to 2015 enabled 3,558 young people to study in leading universities worldwide with financial support from the State Oil Fund. Most of them have returned to our country and are currently actively contributing to the public and private sectors.

The minister pointed out that in the framework of the "State Program for Enhancing the International Competitiveness of Higher Education in Azerbaijan for 2019-2023," joint international double diploma programs have been initiated in cooperation with some of the world's leading universities in the fields of information technology, computer science, engineering, biotechnology, education, and human capital development. Under these programs, a total of 1,004 students have gained the opportunity to pursue their education. Additionally, within the program, 251 doctoral students have gained the opportunity to study at leading international universities and research centers. Furthermore, in line with the "State Program for Azerbaijani Youth's Education Abroad at Prestigious Foreign Universities for 2022-2026," up to 2,000 Azerbaijani citizens per year will have the opportunity to study at prestigious foreign universities at the undergraduate and master's levels, with 400 individuals selected annually. In the past two years, 717 individuals have gained scholarships. Furthermore, within the framework of the Inter-Governmental Scholarship Programs between 2003 and 2023, 4,118 individuals have been granted the opportunity to pursue education abroad. As a result of the measures taken in the development of higher education, the number of students admitted to universities has increased by approximately threefold since 2003, with 65,760 students in the current year. During the same period, the number of students in higher education increased by approximately twice, reaching 220,000 students.

Emin Amrullayev further emphasized that the First Vice-President, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation led by her, have made significant contributions to the development of science, education, culture, and youth policy in the country, as well as to the preservation and promotion of our national and cultural heritage.

ASOIU PhD student Nurana Abdullayeva stated that Azerbaijani youth are constantly striving to fulfill the tasks set before them and to uphold the trust placed in them. She emphasized that youth is the foundation of any country's future, saying, "It is a priority to educate the youth with high intellectual knowledge, strong spirit, and a sound body, instilling in them a devotion to moral and national values. The steps taken have an extremely positive impact on the youth's formation as a competent force in both moral and ideological aspects, as well as in ensuring their beneficial engagement."

Javanshir Abdullayev, a 3rd-year student at ASOIU and the Chairman of the Student Youth Organization, emphasized that the continuous development of youth and their proper place in society is a result of the youth policy established by our National Leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev: "Training young professionals in various fields, fostering the youth's growth as individuals with a strong sense of national and patriotic identity, and accomplishing these tasks are our main responsibilities, and in this regard, each of us should be able to fulfill what is expected of us."

Following this, the winners of the "Heydar Aliyev - 100: Engineering Hackathon" intellectual competition were awarded: "Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University - 2" in the Transport and Logistics category, "Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University - 3" in the Ecology and Environment category, and "Baku Higher Oil School - 1" in the Innovation and Technology category.

Aygun Musayeva, Director of the Talent Management Department at Kapital Bank, was presented with a certificate of appreciation for her support in organizing the "Heydar Aliyev - 100: Engineering Hackathon."

The event continued with the artistic program.
