

News 25 Oct 2023
Commemorative event for ASOIU's Martyr Graduate Ulvi Rafiyev

On October 25, a commemorative event was held in the auditorium named after martyr Ulvi Rafiyev at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

The event began with a visit to the monument complex dedicated to the martyrs at ASOIU, with the participation of the family members of our graduate martyrs, including the parents of Ulvi Rafiyev, as well as the university's professorial staff.

During the event, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs at ASOIU, delivered a speech welcoming the participants on behalf of the university's administration and faculty. Associate Professor Ata Babayev spoke about the valor displayed by our army during the liberation of our lands, emphasizing that special attention is paid to the families and relatives of all our martyrs in our country, and the memory of our martyrs is always honored with respect. He added that ASOIU has 23 graduate martyrs, auditoriums have been named in their honor, a monument complex has been created, and it is the duty of each of us to deeply respect and perpetuate their names.

The event also featured a screening of a film about the martyr Ulvi Rafiyev, followed by a recitation of poems on heroism by pupils from School No. 221.

The family members and close relatives of the martyrs who participated in the commemorative event, as well as representatives of the community, expressed their appreciation for the attention and care shown to the martyrs.
