

News 15 Dec 2023
ASOIU colleagues participated in seminar on "Environmental Legislation and Policy in Azerbaijan"

On December 15, a seminar on "Environmental Legislation and Policy in Azerbaijan" was held at ADA University's  Institute for Development and Diplomacy for the professorial staff of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The seminar, conducted by expert Shamil Huseynov in two sessions, was attended by ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, along with colleagues from the Department of Petroleum Chemistry and Industrial Ecology, Phd in Chemistry Kamala Abdullayeva and Valeh Jafarov.

During the seminar, the speaker provided extensive information on topics such as "Assessment of Environmental Impact," "Environmental Legislation of Azerbaijan," "Constitutional Foundations of Environmental Law," "Environmental Protection," and "International Conventions to which Azerbaijan is a Party Regarding the Environment." The speaker also addressed questions from participants that were of interest to them.
