

News 16 May 2018
ANAS celebrates 110th anniversary of Academician Musa Aliyev

The jubilee meeting dedicated to the 110th anniversary of outstanding scientist, well-known public figure, Academician Musa Aliyev was held at Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) on May 15. First, the event participants visited the grave of Musa Aliyev in the II Alley of Honor and laid wreaths and flowers at his grave.

The event then continued at the Main building of the Academy of Sciences. Making an opening speech, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh said the event is being held under President Ilham Aliyev’s Decree dated February 22, 2018 “On the celebration of the 110th anniversary of Academician Musa Aliyev”. He viewed this Decree as the indicator of the value given to science and scholars. Academician Akif Alizadeh said Musa Aliyev made important contributions to the development of geological science in Azerbaijan with his fundamental research and spoke about his services in training of highly qualified personnel. Akif Alizadeh noted that as president of the Academy of Sciences, the outstanding scientist gained important achievements in the formation of intellectual potential in the country and organization of promising areas of science. Sharing his memories about Musa Aliyev, Akif Alizadeh said he will always live in thoughts.

Academician-secretary of the Department of Earth Sciences of ANAS, Academician Fakhradin Gadirov delivered a report on “Famous scientist’s honorable life”. Saying that Musa Aliyev was admitted to the Mining Faculty of Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute (current Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University) in 1926, Fakhradin Gadirov noted his activities in different periods. Speaking about the scientific activities of the deceased academician, the reporter noted that one of the main successes of the scientist was the commissioning of the large offshore field (Neft Dashlari) for the first time in the oil industry based on the project regarding the geological search and exploitation of oil and gas in the water surface of the Caspian Sea in 1949.

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli delivered a report on “The role of Academician Musa Aliyev in the development of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University”. Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli said the foundation of the training of professional geologists in Azerbaijan was laid in the 1920s at Baku Polytechnic Institute (current Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University). He noted that Musa Aliyev, who chose this specialization, distinguished for his leadership qualities from the first days and was elected head of the Geologists Group by students. Rector Babanli said that Musa Aliyev consecutively worked as an assistant, associate professor and dean of the Oil Faculty at Azerbaijan Industrial Institute, adding that he was appointed Director of the institute in 1939. Rector Babanli noted that during the time of Musa Aliyev, serious work started in the field of training of national specialists at the institute, first steps were taken in choosing and raising national specialists in the oil industry. Rector added that his dear memory will always live in Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

Addressing the meeting, Academicians Abel Maharramov, Vasif Babazadeh, Teymur Bunyadov and others spoke about the life and scientific activity of the scientist and shared their memories about the outstanding scientist.

Later, Rector of ADA University, Professor Hafiz Pashayev shared memories about the scientist. He expressed his gratitude to the leadership of ANAS for the organization of the meeting, as well as the participants of the event.

At the end of the event, a documentary film about life and work of Academician Musa Aliyev was demonstrated.
