

News 16 May 2018
ASOIU among pilot universities of Twinning project

On May 16, Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Bruno Curvale, Head of the new Twinning project “Support to strengthening the higher education system in Azerbaijan” in the EU, and Lisa Bydanova, expert from France.

The meeting featured discussions on the work that will be conducted within the framework of the project. Rector, Professor Babanli spoke about training at ASOIU, preparation for the project, as well as cooperation with EU states and UFAZ. Rector Babanli mentioned the contributions of the Twinning project to the development of education in our country, adding that ASOIU is fully ready to join the project. He stressed that the new project is of great importance in terms of improving the higher education system of Azerbaijan.     

Bruno Curvale, Head of the new Twinning project in the EU, spoke about current works, strategic planning and intensive cooperation with universities within the project. He said that they will carry out intensive activities with ASOIU, one of the pilot universities, and create a working group to coordinate the project. 

Notably, ASOIU is one of the pilot universities of another Twinning project. This project is a cooperation program proposed by the European Commission in 1998. The general objective of the project is to integrate into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and develop further the higher education system of Azerbaijan.  
