

News 22 Jan 2019
ASOIU's rector attends several business meetings in Israel

On January 21, rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli and Executive Director of the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ) functioning under the university, associate professor Vazeh Askerov attended the event organized at the  Azrieli Academic Engineering College within the framework of the business trip of the Azerbaijani delegation to Israel.

A delegation representing a number of Azerbaijani state agencies met with President of the Azrieli Academic Engineering College, Professor Roza Azhari, as well as the teaching staff of the college.

The meeting featured a discussion about cooperation in the field of education and science and other issues.

Later, our delegation took part in an event titled "Management of economic resources in emergency situations" organized at the Israeli Ministry of Economy and also met with representatives of "Flying Carpet" and "Monatours" companies. 

Notably, rector of ASOIU, professor Mustafa Babanli and UFAZ Executive Director, associate professor Vazeh Askerov will take part in a business trip with the Azerbaijani delegation on January 20-24 in Israel. The delegation includes chief of staff of the Ministry of Taxes, vice president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Ibrahim Guliyev, deputy director general of Baku International Sea Trade Port Farid Ahmadov, Head of mobilization preparedness division, Ministry of Economy Bahruz Mammadov, Deputy director of Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park Fuad Panahov, representative of “Azerbaijan Airlines” CSS in Israel Nazim Samadov, head of international relations division of the Ministry of Taxes Farid Hajiyev and State tax inspector of international relations division of the Ministry of Taxes Esmira Mammadova.
