

News 31 Jan 2019
Rector of ASOIU meets with the President of Israel-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli met with Israeli-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce President Alex Kaplun on January 30.

Speaking about the ASOIU's structure, rector M.Baban provided information to the guest about the startup projects of the "eazi START" Startup and Innovation Center of the university.

Noting that HPC Center operates at the university, rector M.Babanli stressed that despite the creation of the necessary material and technical base at the university for implementation of startups and the great interest of the students in this field, there is need to support the preparation of IT professionals.

Speaking about the importance of preparation of startup projects applying advanced technologies and solutions, presentation to the public, and involving investors in İCT field,  president of Israel-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce A.Kaplun underlined that ASOIU is always ready for a joint partnership in this area.

Later, president of Israeli-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce A.Kaplun visited "eazi START" Startup and Innovation Center.
