

News 21 Feb 2019
ASOIU marks International Mother Language Day

On February 21, an event dedicated to the International Mother Language Day was hosted at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Making a speech at the event, ASOIU vice-rector for Educational Affairs, associate professor Ata Babayev spoke about the importance of preservation of Mother language. Noting that the native language is one of the most important factors, A.Babayev highlighted that, particularly the main purpose of young people is to be proud of mother language, to protect and develop it.

Professor Rustam Kamal, the teacher of the Azerbaijani language department, also noted the significance of preserving the mother language as national and moral wealth and spoke about the attention and care for teaching Azerbaijani language at ASOIU.

The artistic part of the event continued with the poetry of ASOIU students dedicated to the mother language. At the end of the meeting, the poem "Azerbaijan" by national leader Haydar Aliyev was demonstrated.

Notably, February 21was declared as International Mother Language Day by UNESCO at the initiative of Bangladesh Ambassador in November 1999. The main purpose of the celebration of this day is to preserve the diversity of language and culture.
