

News 05 Mar 2019
The field trip of schoolchildren to ASOIU

 A new stage of cooperation between the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) and Baku Modern School continues. On March 5, high school pupils of the Russian section of "Baku Modern School" made a next field trip to the ASOIU.

Pupils started their excursion from the ASOIU History Museum and became acquainted with the exhibits about the university and oil history. ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, associate professor Ata Babayev conveyed greetings of the rector, professor Mustafa Babanli to the schoolchildren and provided comprehensive information about the history of the university, its activities in different periods, honorary alumni and so on.

Then, pupils visited the Museum of Mineralogy of the university, "AzII e-book house", as well as the Chemistry laboratory. Pupils also attended a lecture delivered by M.Agahuseynova, professor of Faculty of Chemical Technology (FCT).
