

News 13 Mar 2019
The representatives of "SOCAR–KBR" LLC meet with the students at ASOIU

On March 13 a meeting was held with the representatives of "SOCAR–KBR" LLC and students at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry university (ASOIU)

Shamil Babanli, technical Deputy General manager of the company,  Human Resources manager Sabina Alekperova, Engineer technician Aydan Kazimova (ASOIU graduate) provided comprehensive information to the students about the company's activities, involving students, internship and recruitment process.

Shamil Babanli, technical Deputy General manager of the company made a broad presentation on the goal of "SOCAR–KBR" LLC, activity, company's projects. Human Resources Specialist S. Alakbarova provided information about the internship program for graduates and students, as well as the application and recruitment rules. At present, the ASOIU graduate A.Kazimova, who works as an engineer technician in the company, shared her personal experience in applying to the internship program.

At the end, students received the answers to their questions.

