

News 14 Mar 2019
ASOIU holds the presentation of SOCAR Internal Scholarship program

On March 14, the presentation of SOCAR Internal Scholarship Program was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, ASOIU vice-rector for Academic Affairs, associate professor Gasim Mammadov welcomed the event participants, stressed that 54 out of 76 winners of SOCAR scholarship last year are the students of ASOIU.

Later, the representatives of the Human Resources Department of the company Jabir Suleymanli and Saida Gurbanova spoke about SOCAR's youth-related projects and made a comprehensive presentation on the Internal Scholarship Programs.

Providing information about the main point of the program,  selection criteria, application rules and advantages, the representative of the Human Resources department S.Gurbanova  noted that the winners of the "Scholarship contests" and also the students with best academic results will be provided with the job in SOCAR automatically.  

In the end, students received the answers to their questions.
