

News 15 Mar 2019
Rector of ASOIU meets with Master’s students

On March 14, the rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), professor Mustafa Babanli met with the Master's students and their and their academic supervisors.

Congratulating the event participants on the occasion of forthcoming Novruz holiday, M.Babanli spoke about the young people's interest in master's and doctoral studies and spoke about the perspectives in this area, also upcoming problems and difficulties. Noting that about 550 Master's students graduated university this year, rector M.Babanli spoke about the current state of the university related to the admission to the Master's and P.hD. degree, the quality of education in the Master's degree, the state of the dissertation work and the application of the antiplagiat system. The rector M.Babanli also invited Master's students to participate in Alumni Career Exhibitions, as well as inviting them to take an active part in the university's social life.

In the end, students received the answers to their questions.
