

News 15 Mar 2019
Performance “Play with Life” was demonstrated at ASOIU

On March 15, the Azerbaijan State Oil andIndustry University (ASOIU) hosted a performance “Play with Life”, organized by the Baku Children’s Theater.

Making an opening speech Intigam Soltan, who directed the play spoke about the importance of the fight against drug addiction and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), one of society's biggest problems, and highlighted the role of the performance in the enlightenment of students.

Later, the performance “Play with Life” was demonstrated.

Notably, according to the paragraph of the 5.2.1 of the decree on State Program "Youth of Azerbaijan in 2017-2021" dated on September 15, 2017, approved by the of the president of Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, education, raising awareness and improving the behavior of young people on healthy lifestyles have been tasked to the relevant institutions
 The performance "Play with Life" was jointly developed with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Committee on Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Drug Trafficking in order to educate young people in this field with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle.
