

News 04 Apr 2019
AzII E-Book House holds a presentation of new textbooks on Economics.

On April 4, the presentation of the book titled "Statistics" authored by Ganimat Safarov, the head of the department of "Industrial economics and management" of the faculty of Economics and Management and Scientific secretary, associate professor Yetar Aliyeva, as well as the textbook on "Economic Informatics" by Aghasaf Imran, associate professor of FEM, head of the department of the "Energy and Economics of petrochemical fields and management", professor Gazanfar Suleymanov and Kamran Isayev the associate professor of FEM was held in AzII E-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

The presentation was attended by ASOIU’s Vice-Rector for science and technology (for scientific affairs), Doctor of Technical Sciences Rauf Aliyarov, the director of the AzII E-Book House, Salahat Mahmudova also the academic staff and students of FEM.

The presentation has been highlighted the significance of the textbooks for students and masters of the faculty of economics. The event has been stressed that the textbooks of "Economic Informatics" and "Statistics" cover the theoretical bases of economics science,  subject concept, methods and tasks,  statistical tables and graphs, absolute and relative quantities and other topics.
