

News 17 Apr 2019
The ASOIU delegation met with the students who undertake an internship at SOCAR Gas Processing Plant

On April 17, the delegation led by the Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the executives and staff of the Gas Processing Plant of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Expressing satisfaction with seeing the ASOIU delegation at the Gas Processing Plant, the director of the plant  Agshin Pashayev provided information about the organization that he represents. Noting that currently, 33 ASOIU students undertake an internship at the plant, Agshin Pashayev highly appreciated their training.Noting that 63 of the 158 high qualified specialists in the plant are ASOIU graduates A. Pashayev underlined that ASOIU has a great role in the training of qualified staff in the enterprise.

Expressing his gratitude to the management for the warm welcome, Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided information to the event participants about the recent reforms carried out at the university. Speaking about improving the quality of education at the university, admissions process, application of electronic education system, teaching English-taught programs and others, Rector Mustafa Babanli underlined the importance of joint cooperation for the preparation of professional specialists for the country.

The meeting featured a discussion about the compliance of the students' topics of diploma thesis with the enterprise, the application of the university's daily internship program at the Gas Processing Plant and other issues.

Later the meeting was held with the ASOIU students involved in a practical internship at the plant, they received answers to their questions.
