

News 18 Apr 2019
Students have been explained how to use the AzII E-Book House

On April 17, the event with the participation of students was held at AzII E-Book House of Azerbaijan State Oil; and Industry University (ASOIU).

The director of the Book House, Salahat Mahmudova and head of the division of Electronic resources Ruhana Gasimova, explained the students about the general rules of use of the book house, rules of use of registration, printing products and other information carriers, readers' rights and responsibilities.

The meeting also featured information on the access of book house to the EBSCO and the One Petro international publishing bases and usage possibilities from that bases.

The event featured a discussion on the expansion of ties between the AzII E-Book House and the Baku American Center, books presented to the university by the center, access to their electronic resource bases and the usage possibilities of print products.

In the end, the readers received answers to their questions.
