

News 18 Apr 2019
AzII E-Book House holds a presentation of new books

On 18 April, the presentation of the books “Бурение скважин: Инновационная техника и технология” and (Drilling of the wells Innovative technics and technology) authored by Iskandar Shirali the head of the Integrated Drilling Trust of SOCAR, honored engineer, a professor of ASOIU and Ramiz Hasanov the professor of the faculty of Oil Mechanical Engineering was held at the AzII E-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The presentation was attended by the Vice-rector for Scientific Affairs Rauf Əliyarov, head of the Department of Mechanics, Professor Alasgar Aliyev, the director of AzII E-Book House Salahat Mahmudova, as well as the employees of Integrated Drilling Trust and university students.

It was noted that both textbooks are intended for masters and bachelor's degree students studying in this specialty.

In the end, students received answers to their questions.
