

News 19 Apr 2019
Meeting with alumni held at the department of “Control and System Engineering”

On April 19, the meeting with the university alumni was held at the department of the "Control and System Engineering" of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The event attended by the head of the department, professor Farid Aghayev, AzII alumni of 1986, as well as academic staff and the students of the university.

Expressing satisfaction to see alumni again at the university, professor Farid Aghayev provided information about reforms carried out at the university in recent years, as well as innovations in the department.

At the event, a graduate of AzII, director of the "Institute of Control Processes" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, candidate of technical sciences Rafig Agayev delivered a lecture on "Modeling" as an "Invited Professor".
