

News 22 Apr 2019
A trilateral letter of intent is signed between ASOIU, BP and "British Council Azerbaijan office"

On April 22, 2019, a document signed between the British Petroleum Exploration (BP) and the British Council Office in Azerbaijan on holding intensive English language training for 90 teachers and 200 students at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

The event was attended by the rector of ASOIU,  professor Mustafa Babanli, BP Vice-President Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli,  representative of the Ministry of Education,  Director of the British Council in Azerbaijan Samr Shah, company representatives of BP partners, academic staff of the university. After greeting the guests ASOIU rector, professor M.Babanli provided information about the document to be signed. Noting the importance of learning the advanced world experience in improving the quality of higher education, he emphasized the significance of the knowledge of English of academic staff and students, especially those who are teaching English and young people studying in the English section at the highest level. Expressing his gratitude to BP for a positive comment on ASOIU's proposal project prepared in connection with this and allocating funds and solution of organizational works, rector M.Babanli underlined that this will contribute teaching of technical subjects in English. Noting that selecting a partner that will conduct English language training of BP is determined by the choice of the ASOIU, rector M.Babanli said that the British Council Azerbaijan office which possesses an effective collaboration experience has been chosen as a partner.

BP Vice President Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli said that the company he represents pay special attention to the participation at the country's leading education projects. Speaking about the importance of teaching the English language in the technical field in leading universities as ASOIU, B.Aslanbeyli said that the main purpose of the new project is not only the inculcation of English language habits to students but at the same time to create the condition of improving the English language. Noting that along with the English sections it is intended for teaching technical English language in Azerbaijani sections, B. Aslanbeyli said that present ASOIU students are also considered as a future BP's potential employees and therefore they support their training as a highly qualified specialist.

Noting that there have been cooperation ties with ASOIU for several years now,  Samr Shah, director of the British Council Azerbaijan office, said that he is pleased to attend jointly with university and BP in such a large-scale project. Noting that the main purpose of the project is to form a specialist in the field of technical and business English at ASOIU, Samr Shah informed that the 11-months project will cover 90 teachers and 200 students. Emphasizing that the project is the first in the experience of  British Council Azerbaijan office, Samr Shah underlined that this project will be a good and important experience for them.

Then a letter of intent was signed between the parties.

Notably, according to the agreement the training is envisaged to start from 1 May. Except July-August (since the teachers are on vacation, training will be held online in the form of weekly assignments) will last up to 2 hours 3 days a week until December 31. The British Council will test all teachers using the Aptis test. 15 English teachers who collect the highest scores on Aptis (the lowest B2 and higher) will be selected as the English language instructor. Specialists from the British Council Azerbaijan office will train 15 ASOIU teachers, and they will train 200 students during the second semester. Since the project is administered by the British Council Azerbaijan office, the salaries of these teachers will be paid directly to the teachers, not by the University, but the British Council Azerbaijan office.




