

News 23 Apr 2019
ASOIU employee is appointed the chair of Youth Union of NAP Nasimi district branch

On April 22,  the V report-election conference of the Youth Union of NAP Nasimi district branch was held.

The conference started with the performance of the national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a minute of silence was honored the memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev. Then a photo slide dedicated to the activity of the Youth Union of NAP Nasimi district branch was presented.

At the conference held with the participation of 150 representatives from the 102 area organizations of the party's branch, the acting chairman of the Youth Union, Sohrab Hashimov, made a report on the organization's activity. He provided information about the conducted works and implemented projects during the reporting period. It was noted that young people who are the member of NAP Nasimi district branch also benefited from opportunities to continue their education abroad, participating in educational projects, conferences, seminars implementing in different countries.

Then the Council with 45 members, the Board of Directors with 16 members, chairman and deputy chairmen of NAP Nasimi district branch of the Youth Union was elected.

Salman Salmanov, Deputy Director of the Department of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, was elected chairman of the Youth Union as a result of the voting.

Making a report at the conference chairman of the NAP Youth Union Seymur Orujov, member of the NAP Political Council, chair of the party's Nasimi District Branch, MP Malahat Ibrahimgizi, head of the Executive Power of Nasimi region, a member of the NAP Political Council Asif Asgarov, Head of "Səs" Media Holding Bahruz Guliyev talked about successful state youth policy, projects on youth development, state programs implemented in the country. It was noted that the state youth policy laid by the great leader Heydar Aliyev is successfully being continued by President Ilham Aliyev today. All conditions have been created in the direction of the development of modern Azerbaijani youth and their study at the highest level in our country. Young people are also actively taking part in the socio-political life of the country.

Then the first Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis, member of the Political Council of the New Azerbaijan Party Ziyafet Asgarov made a speech. The path of Azerbaijan has no alternative. This is Heydar Aliyev's path. From 1991 to 1993, when our independence was restored, no steps were taken in our country in the field of state building. Since 1993, after the national leader Heydar Aliyev returned to the political power, the work on the establishment of legal state began to carry out in Azerbaijan. The Great Leader always said that it is easy to establish a state, to make a statement, but to preserve it very is very difficult and responsible. This is Heydar Aliyev's phenomenon. The meaning of Heydar Aliyev's political course is that this path is only a way of building, a way of development. At present,  President Ilham Aliyev, a worthy successor of the Great Leader, continues this path successfully. Today, every Azerbaijani youth have to know that we should not expect help from anybody in the protection of our independent state, but we must help ourselves.
The task of young people is, first of all, to be knowledgeable, educated, to work for the future of our country, to demonstrate activity in this direction.

Young people that made a speech said that they will work dutifully to fulfill their tasks for developing our country, to bring the truth about our republic to the world community.

Then the resolution of the conference and the appeal of the participants to the President of Azerbaijan, the chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party Ilham Aliyev was accepted.
