

News 25 Apr 2019
ASOIU hosts the presentation of volunteer group on "Protect nature voluntarily"

On April 24, the event within the framework of the presentation of the volunteer group of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources  (MENR) titled "Protect nature voluntarily" was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The event was attended by  Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, Deputy of  MENR Firdovsi Aliyev, as well as representatives of the ministry and students.

The Associate Professor Ata Babayev noted the significance of the event for the students and invited them to actively participate in such projects.

Deputy Minister Firdovsi Aliyev noted that the project held in accordance with "State Program" approved by Decree No 3236 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 15, 2017 "Azerbaijan youth in 2017-2021" and a speech of the head of the state on February 1, 2019 at the Republican meeting dedicated to the Day of Azerbaijani Youth. Firdovsi Aliyev, inviting students to join a volunteer group "Protect nature voluntarily", noted that young people who join the volunteer activity will provide awarding-raising works in the field of protection of the environment and natural resources and will participate in training that instills work habits.  He noted that it is planned to form the future staff of the ministry from the selected nominees which will create a chance for students to have a successful career.

Head of the Department of Ecological Education and Public Relations of the Ministry, Sayyara Mammadova, explained students the rules of participation in volunteer activities. It was noted that special certificates will be given to selected people for the program.

In the end, students received answers to their questions.
