

News 25 Apr 2019
ASOIU holds several seminars within the framework of the "Invited professor" project

On April 24 a seminar within the framework of the “Invited professor” project was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). At the seminar the head of the laboratory of “OPTİMUM METROLOGY SERVICES” LLC Rahim Babayev made a report on "Checking and calibration of measuring instruments

The seminar was attended by the students studying on the specialty "Metrology, standardization and certification engineering".

Notably, the seminars within the framework of the “Invited professor” project were held at the Department of Instrument Making Engineering on April 9 and 22.

The seminar on "Working principle of apparatus for artificial respiration and anesthesia devices" held on April 22 was attended by the Rector of the university, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, associate professor Gasim Mammadov, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, associate professor Ata Babayev.

The seminar on subject "Healthcare Organization and Clinical Monitoring" with the participation of the director of Nargiz Medical Clinic, Chairman of Azerbaijan Phytotherapy Society, Doctor of Medicine Malahat Gahramanova was held on April 9. At the seminar held on the syllabus, M. Gahramanova provided comprehensive information on modern methods of diagnosis of the digestive system and conducting algorithmic medical diagnostics.
