

News 26 Apr 2019
ASOIU announces the winners of the "Intellect contest of the young mathematicians"

On April 25, the final stage of the "Intellect contest of the young mathematicians", organized by the Child and Youth Development Center No 2, dedicated to the memory of academician Azad Mirzajanzade, was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

At the opening of the event was attended by Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate professor Ata Babayev, the head of the department of "General and Applied Mathematics", Doctor of mathematics, Professor Araz Aliyev, as well as 4-8th graders and teachers.

After conveying the greetings of the Rector Mustafa Babanli to the participants the Vice-Rector A.Babayev wished success to the school children.

At the end of the competition, the winners of the I, II and III places were awarded diplomas.
