

News 26 Apr 2019
The representatives of "EnterpriseAzerbaijan" portal hold training at ASOIU

On April 26 representatives of the  "EnterpriseAzerbaijan.com" portal held training for the students within the framework of the joint project of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication and the Ministry of Taxes at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov conveyed the greetings of the rector of the university Mustafa Babanli to the participants. ADNSU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli. After the opening speech, the manager of the EnterpriseAzerbaijan.com portal Ayten Mammadova provided comprehensive information to the students about the startup platform.

Making a speech, Oruj Dursunzada, the project manager of the British Council's Creative Spark project, provided information to the students on the practical aspects of the project, which is in the ecosystem of the EnterpriseAzerbaijan portal.

Making a speech at the event, the representative of the Ministry of Taxes, Haji Gasimov provided comprehensive information on tax benefits and deductions for small and micro entrepreneurs, as well as startups.  

Then, head of Azexport portal Zaur Gardashov made a speech about “Earn with Amazon” training jointly with Baku E-Commerce Academy. He noted that this training is a real opportunity for those seeking new jobs and earnings.

Notably, the training was aimed at providing information to the startups, as well as small and micro entrepreneurs about the legal and practical aspects of starting a business who want to implement new ideas and projects.

