

News 30 Apr 2019
ASOIU commemorates victims of April 30 terror

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event to commemorate the victims of the April 30 terror.

The commemoration ceremony, attended by the university’s faculty staff, students and beloved ones of the terror victims, started in front of the bas-relief in memory of the tragedy victims. A wreath and flowers were laid at the bas-relief on behalf of the ASOIU staff.

Making a speech at the event, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli underlined that this terrible event took place 10 years back is deeply embedded in the hearts of each of us. Rector Babanli noted that ASOIU lost very valuable teachers and students on that day and added that their dear memory will always be honored. 

Then, the participants of the event got acquainted with the exhibition of students, organized by ASOIU Student Trade Union Committee (STUC), dedicated to April 30 terror.

Then, a documentary about the event of April 30 produced by university "Bir Sal YADINA" was demonstrated. After watching the film, Professor M.Babanli expressed his hope that such terror attack will not take place again and noted that we can fulfill our duties in memory of victims by contributing to the development of our country and education.

Relatives of victims of terrorist act shared their memories and expressed their gratitude for constantly commemorating the memories of victims at the university.

Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov visited ASOIU to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attack in ASOA.

After laying flowers at the bas-relief in memory of the tragedy victims the minister J.Bayramov expressed his condolences to the family and relatives of the victims condemning the terrorist act that took place 10 years ago, spoke about the importance of strengthening the fight against terrorism.
