

News 02 May 2019
Warning and assembly training of civil defence forces held at ASOIU

Warning and assembly training of civil defence forces of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held on May 2.  The assembly meeting chaired by the chief of civil defense headquarters Elshan Mammadov was attended by civil defence forces from the university’s faculties and departments. Speaking about general instructions, Elshan Mammadov explained the means to handle the occurred problems during emergency situations safely.

At the discussion held on "Fire Safety" ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev spoke about the importance of civil defense and noted the significance of responding to incidents during emergencies.

Head of the department of "Industrial Safety and Labor Protection", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sakit Rasulov touched upon the importance of enlightenmentç provided information on the ways to minimize casualties in emergency situations and rules of behavior.

Then, a video about the rules of fire safety was demonstrated.

In the end, students received answers to their questions.

Notably, the purpose of the assembly meeting is to prevent the emergency situations and help the civil defence forces to eliminate the consequences of any occurred disaster.

The civil defence trainings are held in conformity with the yearly plan of events agreed by the chief of civil defence of ASOIU, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli and the chief of Emergency Situations and Defence Department. Assembly meetings are held twice a year in accordance with the order and training plan of the university administration, involving civil defense forces and command staff.
