

News 16 May 2019
The representatives of the Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan meet with ASOIU students

On May 15 the meeting with the representatives of the Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (FSARA) was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

Opening the event, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev welcomed the guests at the university and thanked the agency for the opportunities created for the students to provide with a job and develop their practical internship.

 Dean of the ASOIU's Faculty of Chemical Technology (FCT) Sevinj Mammadkhanova made a presentation on faculty, specialties, practical and yearly internship.

Then the head of the FSARA's civil service and sector personnel Tural Alizadeh provided comprehensive information to the event participants on recruitment rules of the agency, vacancies and the civil service recruitment.

At the end, students received answers to their questions.
