

News 17 May 2019
ASOIU Rector visits Weir Oil and Gas company

On May 16, the delegation headed by the rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry university (ASOIU) visited Weir Oil and Gas” company.

At the meeting that featured a discussion about the cooperation ties, General Director of "Weir Oil and Gas" company for Russia and Central Asia Altug Bilgic provided information to ASOIU's representatives on the activities of the company, current projects and application of new technologies in oil and gas area. Expressing his proud of cooperating with the higher education institution like ASOIU that possess rooted traditions, Altug Bilgic underlined that the organization that he represents is interested in further developing these ties. Noting that at present ASOIU's 66 students undertake a practical internship at the company within the framework of the "Daily internship" program, A.Bilgic highlighted that 3 of them will be admitted to the summer internship program.

ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided information on recent reforms carried out at the university, spoke about the steps taken to improve the quality of education and the projects planned to be implemented in the future. The meeting featured the discussions on involving the employees of "Weir Oil & Gas" company to teaching as an "Invited professor" at ASOIU, bringing the problems encountered during the enterprise's production process to the university as a scientific subject, implementing joint programs at the company's research center and other issues.

Later, the Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli met with the students undertaking an internship at the company, followed their internship process.

Notably, 150-year history of “The Weir Group” is engaged in manufacturing equipment and providing services for the oil and gas industry. Weir Oil and Gas, which started to operate in Azerbaijan as an official representative of the organization since 2008, has launched a large production enterprise equipped with modern equipment in 2015. Currently, Weir Oil and Gas” company providing 80% of the local market's demand is represented in the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli and Shah Deniz projects.
