

News 17 May 2019
ASOIU organizes "European youth week" information session

On May 17, information session within the framework of the "European youth week" organized by the "Healthy Thought" Youth Organization and Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations’ Union at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

At the event, Ramiz Aliyev, the Chairman of the "Healthy Thought" Youth Organization, provided comprehensive information on the non-formal educational opportunities of the European Union for youth (training courses, youth exchanges, short and long-term volunteer programs) within the framework of the Erasmus + Youth Information Center in Azerbaijan and the European Solidarity Corps. Saying that integration and exchange have a great role in the development of education, Ramiz Aliyev noted that the Erasmus + program has been operating in Azerbaijan for a long time and talked about the success of the program.

In the end, students received answers to their questions.
