

News 25 May 2019
VI Alumni-Career Exhibition held at ASOIU

On May 25, the VI Alumni-Career Exhibition held at  Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The event was attended by the ASOIU Recor, Professor Mustafa Babanli, MP Aydin Mirzazade, head of the Education Center of "XXI Century" PU Etibar Aliyev, chairman of the "AzII Alumni" PU Haji Nuran Huseynov, head of Oil Research Center Ilham Shaban, as well as academic staff, students and graduates of the university.

At the exhibition, 84 companies offered a total of 262 vacancies to ASOIU students and alumni. Among the exhibitors were Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies, SOCAR,  Food Safety Agency, Azersu OJSC, Azerenergy OJSC, SOCAR Polymer, Schlumberger and other state and private companies. Visited by up to 2000 students and alumni, the event caused a keen interest of participants.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the exhibition, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that Alumni-Career exhibitions which held for the 6th times at the university had turned into a tradition. Pointing at the importance of such exhibitions in the extension of cooperation ties between the university and companies, Rector Babanli stressed that the Alumni-Career Center has been operating for three years at ASOIU along with organizing the exhibition also holds regular training for senior-year students.  Noting that the university-enterprise format cooperation is one of the crucial factors for the training of professional staff, that meets the requirements of the developing Azerbaijani economy and industry, the Rector underlined that ASOIU aims to become a university that meets international standards.

Making a speech at the event, MP Aydin Mirzazade spoke about the importance of holding such exhibition at one of the most venerable higher education institutions of the country. Saying that young people are able to establish relations with companies and are provided with jobs by Alumni-Career Exhibition,  Aydin Mirzazada noted his confidence in the sustainability of such events.

Head of the Education Center of "XXI Century" PU, expert for education Etibar Aliyev underlined that career exhibition held at higher education institutions help the students to get a job, as well as to determine the direction of their practical internship that they will undertake in the future. The education expert also noted that the exhibition provides students the opportunity to learn about the demand for their specialty in the existing labor market and to establish initial contacts with employers.

Then, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli and other guests got acquainted with the stands of the companies. Representatives of the company provided information to Mustafa Babanli about the vacancies and experience programs.

The exhibition lasted from 10:00 to 12:00
