

News 03 Jun 2019
ASOIU holds creative competition of "Young chemists"

On May 31, the creative competition of "Young chemists" between schoolchildren was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The opening ceremony organized by the Center for the development of Children and Youth No 2 under the Ministry of Education and the ASOIU,  was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev, the dean of the faculty of Chemical Technology, professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova, Head of the Department of Technology of Chemical and Inorganic Substances Yunis Gahramanli, the representative of the Ministry of education, as well as chemistry teachers and pupils.

Making a speech at the opening of the competition, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayevspoke about the interest of young people in science, education, and teacher-student relations.
 He noted that teacher-student relations are invaluable in adopting the selected specialties by the pupils and students on time, providing them the right direction and receiving positive results. Speaking about the socioeconomic development in the country, as well as the quality of education, A.Babayev stressed that President Ilham Aliyev always pays attention to young people, their formation as a healthy and educated citizen.

Making a speech the dean of the faculty of Chemical Technology, professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova, Head of the Department of Technology of Chemical and Inorganic Substances, Associate Professor Yunis Gahramanli, reviewed the long-term history of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Elnur Jabrayilzadeh, a graduate of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University in 2017, who gained success in the field of chemistry, said that all his successes started from ASOIU and he is always proud of being a graduate of this educational institution. He called young chemists to get high-level higher education and to start the successful future from the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.

After the official part of the event, the competition was kicked off. During 90 minutes, the tests were answered by the schoolchildren. After the deadline, the results were evaluated by the jury consisting of ASOIU and secondary school teachers. Three pupils who ranked I, II and III places have been awarded the diploma of the Center for the development of Children and Youth under the Ministry of Education. Several students were given encouraging prizes.

