

News 04 Jun 2019
ASOIU holds a meeting dedicated to the cooperation of Azerbaijan universities with Times Higher Education, Elsevier and Scopus


On June 4, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting dedicated to the discussion of cooperation issues between the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic, leading universities of the country and Times Higher Education (THE) organization.

Opening the meeting that was attended by the Deputy Head of the Office of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Head of Science, Higher and Secondary Special Education Department Yagub Piriyev and rectors of country's 9 universities, ASOIU rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli noted that cooperation with Times Higher Education, which is the world’s most influential university ranking is of great importance for the republic's higher education institutions.

Times Higher Education Regional Director for Russia and CIS countries Yegor Yablokov provided information on the company he represents and noted that universities from different countries are making an effort to reach the rating published by the organization and national governments have supported them in this regard.Y.Yablokov pointed out the scientific indicators of the higher school as an important factor for rating and underlined that THE organization referred to Scopus scientific publishing base.

Aliya Ospanova, Regional Director of the Elsevier Scientific Publishing House, noted that Scopus publishing base is superior to the number of references than Web of Science and has announced statistics on articles published by Scopus in recent years. She underlined that they are ready to cooperate with Azerbaijan universities to increase the quantitative indicators of publications in Scopus on scientific publications from Azerbaijan.

After answering questions the representatives of the Times Higher Education and Elsevier Science Publishing House, ASOIU Rector, Professor M.Babanli expressed his gratitude to the university rectors and guests who made a presentation. Stressing the importance of the ranking of leading universities of the world to increase the competitiveness of the Azerbaijani universities at the international level, he highly appreciated the work done by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan in this area. Noting that Azerbaijan universities are interested in cooperation with Times Higher Education and Elsevier Scientific Publishing House ASOIU Rector, Professor M.Babanli expressed hope that the sides will agree on mutually beneficial cooperation. The meeting continued at the level of working groups.

