

News 12 Jun 2019
ASOIU Public Reliance Council observes examination process

Chairman of the Public Reliance Council, MP Aydin Mirzazade, members of the council - Sahib Mammadov, Ilham Shaban, Saadat Mammadova, Mazahir Babayev, Bahruz Nazarov, chairman of the "AzII Alumni" Public Union as well as media representatives observed the the examination process held at auditoriums, acquainted with teachers' and students' level of preparation, as well as conditions created for the exams. Visiting the Examination Center established in order to provide transparency, representatives of the Public Reliance Council observed the examination process and exchanged the views.

The Public Reliance Council was informed about the participation of 13700 students in the summer examination session of the academic year 2018-2019 so far, as well as the organization of exam session in accordance with current regulations, provision of transparency and fairness in the evaluation of students’ knowledge and other important issues. It was noted that on June 12, 22 groups took written and 43 groups written and oral exams at ASOIU.

Then members of the Public Reliance Council met with Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli. Rector M.Babanli provided information to the members of the Public Reliance Council on the works carried out at ASOIU and noted that the university is open to every member of the republic community. Council members shared their views on the level of organization of the exams at ASOIU, highly appreciated transparent training environment at the university, the conditions created to allow students freely express their knowledge and exam observation process.

