

News 18 Jun 2019
National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov commemorated at ASOIU

"Mubariz Ibrahimov with his glorious battle path and heroism rose not only to the immortality, the eternal peak but also to promote the Azerbaijani young people everlasting victory and love for Motherland."

This was stated on June 18 at the commemoration event in memory of the National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The event was attended by the Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the head of Azerbaijan Military Museum, Colonel Azizagha Ganizade, as well as academic staff members and students of the university. Opening the event commenced with the national anthem, ASOIU Rector, Professor M.Babanli noted that heroism of the National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov is an example for each youth. He underlined that we will fulfill our duties in memory of M. Ibrahimov only when we liberate our occupied territories from Armenian occupation and that day is not far.

Head of the Museum of Azerbaijan’s Military History, Colonel Azizagha Ganizade spoke about the love of the National hero Mubaris Ibrahimov to the military art, native land and added that as a soldier he reached his goal and rose to the peak of heroism...
