On July 1, the first International Scientific-Practical Conference on "Modern Information, Measurement and Control Systems: Problems and Perspectives" was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).
The conference was attended by the ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ismayil Ismayilov, Academician, doctor of technical sciences Telman Aliyev, member of European Academy of Sciences, Professor Kerim Allahverdiyev, head of the department of "Instrument Engineering", doctor of technical sciences Lala Bakhirova, head of the “Ömür” clinic Gulnara Mammadova, representative of Faranche-Comte University of France Isabella Lajoie, as well as guests from Portugal, Germany, Ukraine and other countries, academic staff of the university, media representatives. Making a speech at the conference that began with the national anthem ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli welcomed the guests and spoke about the opportunities of information technologies in modern times. He noted that such conferences are of great importance in discussing scientific achievements in terms of exchanging views on modern challenges. The Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, along with other scientific directions, is also a very successful educational institution in the field of information technology and it is no coincidence that such a conference is held here today.
Making a speech, head of the ASOIU’s department of "Instrument Engineering", doctor of technical sciences Lala Bakirova provided information on the conference. She noted that 300 articles were presented to the conference, and most of them were considered acceptable. The conference will continue in six sessions with intervals.
Within the framework of the conference the corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ismayil Ismayilov, academician, doctor of technical sciences Telman Aliyev, member of European Academy of Sciences, professor Kerim Allahverdiyev, representatives of the University of Franche-Comté - Isabella Lajoie, Elmar Yusifli and other guests made a speech. It was noted that holding such a conference is a serious event for the science world, where information and automation technologies, measuring, control systems and other important issues are being discussed. During the event, it was emphasized that the discussion of the scientific achievements, the issues that are crucial to the solution, will give positive results. During the speech, guests expressed pleasure in participating in an actual scientific discussion in Azerbaijan, at ASOIU.
After a short break, the conference continued its work on sections.