

News 02 Jul 2019
ASOIU holds Graduation Day

Graduation Day was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on July 1. The ceremony was attended by Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, chairman of the Nasimi District branch of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), MP Malahat Ibrahimgizi, chairman of the Public Reliance Council, MP Aydin Mirzazade, General Director of SOCAR AQS, Ramin Isayev, members of the Public Reliance Council, as well as academic staff and students of the university.

The event commenced with the national anthem. Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli congratulated the graduates on this very remarkable day and wished them success in their future endeavors. He noted that graduates of this year are dear for him because it coincides with the date of coming to ASOIU. Today, students who have stepped into the university four years back became graduates. Professor M.Babanli emphasized the importance of students' high education and noted that the university always attaches attention to this issue. He pointed out that ASOIU train useful staff for employers.

In her speech, MP Malahat Ibrahimgizi underlined that the ASOIU always attaches great importance of training of qualified personnel, especially the educational reforms implemented in recent years in the country proved this. After congratulating the graduates, the leadership and the staff of the university she wished success to the students who completed their higher education this year and will go to the real military service. Then MP Aydin Mirzazade congratulated the graduates and noted that he is familiar with the knowledge and skills of ASOIU's current graduates. Each of them has a high potential. Care and attention to the development of education, including higher education in the country, has fully justified itself. In his speech Director General of SOCAR-AQS LLC Ramin Isayev also noted that the education at the university is in the higher level and added that, graduates of ASOIU are already qualified specialists in the field of industry. They are being trained as personnel meeting today's demands.

After presenting the honors diplomas to the students graduating from the university with excellent grades, the names of the distinguished graduates were engraved into the symbolic log.

After the official part, the event wrapped up with a concert.
