

News 02 Jul 2019
The Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan visits ASOIU

On July 2, a meeting between Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Aziz Abdukhakimov and the ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The event was attended by the ASOIU's Rector, Mustafa Babanli, Vice-Rectors of the university - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Gasim Mammadov, Vice-Rector for Science and Technology, Professor Rauf Aliyarov, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov, Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Aziz Abdukhakimov and Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Azerbaijan Sherzod Fayziyev.

Greeted the guests ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli provided information to them about the university. He underlined that the education system in Azerbaijan as well as at ASOIU has been established in accordance with the modern scientific approaches. The high scientific result is the main criterion in the stage of organizing of teaching, discussing scientific research projects, preparing bachelor's, masters and doctoral dissertations.

Noting that ASOIU cooperates with several prestigious universities in the world, rector provided comprehensive information to the guest about the Azerbaijan-French University (UFAZ) functioning under the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University and highlighted that here students are provided with all the conditions for study.

Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Aziz Abdukhakimov expressed his gratitude for detailed information and said that he is satisfied with the achievements of ASOIU and educational process. speaking about the educational system in Uzbekistan, A. Abdukhakimov added that, reforms in education area are being carried out in his country, and increasing the quality of education is always under the control.

After the meeting, which took place within the mutual exchange of views, the guests got acquainted with the conditions created at AzII Book-House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. In the end, the Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Aziz Abdukhakimov invited the ASOIU's Rector, Professor M.Babanli to his country.
