

News 02 Jul 2019
ASOIU holds the first meeting of the Advisory Committee of Israel-Azerbaijan Hi-Tech Training Center

On July 2, the first meeting of the Advisory Committee of Israel-Azerbaijan Hi-Tech Training Center was held at the State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) jointly with Israel-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The event was attended by ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, founder of Israel "John Bryce Training" IT Training Center Eran Lasser, president of Israel-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce Alex Kaplun, as well as heads and delegations of leading state agencies and enterprises of Azerbaijan, as well as academic staff of the university.

Opening the event, president of the Israel-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce A. Kaplun spoke about the factors under the condition of establishing Israel-Azerbaijan Hi-Tech Training Center and noted that the center will operate on the base of Israel's IT and high technology experience.

Providing information to the event participants on IT courses organized jointly with "John Bryce Training" IT Training Center, ASOIU's Rector, Professor M.Babanli noted that students studying in IT field do not fully meet the real requirements of the modern labor market. Rector, Professor M.Babanli noted that ASOIU is constantly pursuing IT innovation and is aiming to train highly-skilled personnel working with high technologies. He underlined that the Training Center was established to ensure the training of the required personnel in needed areas.

Making a speech at the event, founder of "John Bryce Training" IT Training Center E.Lasser made a presentation on IT courses to be organized at the Training Center. Saying that he possesses the experience of establishing educational centers in several countries,  E. Lasser touched upon the importance of establishing such a training center with ASOIU for the first time in Azerbaijan. E. Lasser provided comprehensive information about the future activity mechanism and method of Israel-Azerbaijan Hi-Tech Training Center and invited those who want to improve themselves in the IT field to join this team.

At the end of the event, attendees received answers to their questions.

 Notably, the Israel-Azerbaijan Hi-Tech Training Center was established in order to meet the need for high-level training in Azerbaijan and to support the development of high technologies. It is expected that at the initial stage 90 students will be enrolled in the 10-month course that will start in October. The lessons are mainly intended for 3rd-year students of Faculty of Information Technologies and Control (FITC) of ASOIU and will be held by Israeli mentors. Then the Training Center will be presented to the public.

