

News 03 Jul 2019
Alumni share their memories about ASOIU

On July 2 a meeting with alumni was held at ASOIU. The event was attended by the ASOIU's Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Vice-Rectors, state and public representatives, alumni of ASOIU and media. Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli greeted the guests and expressed his gratitude to the alumni for honoring the name of this university. Afterward, the Rector M.Babanli continued his speech with a report on the results of the 2018/2019 academic year and provided information to attendees about the gained achievements. He noted that ASOIU students become a specialist thanks to the gained knowledge and experience. Due to this reason, it is also not easy to graduate ASOIU. In the current year, 2826 graduates had to receive a university diploma, but 2416 of them were able to achieve this.

Rector M.Babanel mentioned the work implemented in ASOIU over the last 4 years and noted that innovations in the field of science, further improvement of education quality, international relations, cooperation with state and private institutions will be continued on a wider platform.

In his speech MP, head of the department of ASOIU, Professor Huseynbala Miralamov said that education reforms conducted in Azerbaijan as well as in ASOIU have already yielded results. He wished teachers and students great endeavors. Making a speech at the meeting the ASOIU's alumni - Deputy Minister of Transport, Communication and High Technologies Elmir Velizade, the judge with international rank, master of sports, Lieutenant-colonel Hijran Sharifov and other guests recalled their student years and professors at AzII.

They emphasized that the university returned its reputation. The alumni noted that they closely follow the reforms conducted at the university and expressed their gratitude to ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli and the academic staff of the university for evident progress.    

The event continued with a concert organized at the university yard.
