

News 05 Jul 2019
Everyone demonstrated a higher level of activity in the action for the Armed Forces Assistance Fund

Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Chairman and Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmadov shared a post on his official Facebook page and invited everyone to hold a charity action in order to support the Armed Forces Relief Fund. Noting that there are enough reasons to hold charity event as there are more than a million refugees and internally displaced persons in the country, Ali Ahmedov recalled in the post that NAP has repeatedly organized such actions and is the initiator. 

Notably, the Azerbaijani community recognizes and sympathize the New Azerbaijan Party as a party regularly engaging in charity within the year. Therefore, the members of the party, who welcomed Ahmadov’s initiative, as well as non-members of the party, participate with great enthusiasm in the action to support the Armed Forces Relief Fund.

The youth of the NAP Nasimi District branch also took part in this action and highlighted that they will always support the Armed Forces. At the same time, the ASOIU Student Trade Union Committee has also demonstrated a higher level of activity in joining this campaign. In general, representatives of different sectors of our society have demonstrated massive support to the Azerbaijani Army and stated that they will continue this tradition.
