

News 09 Jul 2019
ASOIU holds discussion of 2nd stage of the winning project on "University Grant"

On July 9, the 2nd stage of the winning projects on the "University Grant" project of the "Science Center" was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Opening the event, Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli shared his views on the projects and spoke about the issues on the agenda on selected projects.

Then the authors on 6 winning projects of the "University grant" contest made a presentation on the work implemented on the projects.

Notably, the date of performance of projects in Grant contest is one year, and the amount of each grant is up to 50,000 manats.The project implementation has been started since January 2019. Financing of the projects will be carried out in four stages on the tranches, based on the implemented work.
