

News 18 Jul 2019
ASOIU holds National Press Day

On July 18, meeting with journalists was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on occasion of National Press Day. Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli congratulated the journalists on the occasion of the National Press expressed his satisfaction with welcoming media representatives at the university.

Providing information to the media representatives about the works conducted at ASOIU, reforms carried out in science and education as well as achievements and implemented projects, Rector, Professor M. Babanli pointed out that journalists play a particular role in delivering information on these works to the community. Speaking about the transparent teaching environment created by ASOIU, the rector emphasized that the media always supported the university in the work carried out in this direction.

Media representatives attending the event, thanked the rector M.Babanli for the meeting held on the occasion of the National Press Day. They noted that the work and reforms conducted at ASOIU restored the past reputation of the university and formed the positive image in the society. The media representatives emphasized their readiness to actively participate in the delivering the ASOIU's activity to the public and talked about the importance of ties between the university and the media.
