

News 16 Sep 2019
Representatives of ASOIU's STUC attend the local conference

On September 5-7, the Student Trade Union Committee (STUC) of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University attended the conference at recreation center “Təhsil” organized by Republican Committee of the Independent Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Employees. At the organizing committee of conference titled " Duties of Student Trade Union Committee in raising young people in the spirit of national patriotism: forms and methods, the chairman of ASOIU's STUC, as well as the head of the Youths Board of Independent Trade Union of Azerbaijan Education Employees Namig Ganjayev and 7 active students successfully represented the university.

Notably, during the three-day conference, discussions were held on improving the activities of the STUC and the decisions were made. More than 100 students from 19 universities attended the conference.
